Holidays Suck? 7 Ways to Cope That Aren’t Wine

We all know that “every kiss begins with Kay” and that everyone should have a significant other to spend the holiday wrapped up in a blanket with. Or at least that’s what commercials and possibly our families want us to believe. If that’s not where your life is at right now, don’t give in to despair and open a bottle of chardonnay. Here are 7 ways to deal with the holidays on your own terms.

Planning is key

Whether it’s holiday travel with a million of your closest friends in an airport, or going shopping for gifts, make sure you plan ahead. Add extra time to your travel schedule to help manage your frustration at what are likely inevitable delays. Tis the season! But that doesn’t mean you’ve got to give in to it. Even an extra 15 minutes can help.

Grab your wingwoman/man

Don’t go it alone. Even if your BFF is married or coupled up, don’t just assume she can’t go with you. Ask! If you can’t find anyone, don’t go alone if that’s too hard for you. If you have to make an appearance anyway (say, the company party), keep it short. Just because you go doesn’t mean you have to stay all night.

Don’t skimp on exercise

With the impending deluge of NYE resolutions, it might be tempting to put off exercise until next year. But moving your body not only is good for your body, but also your mind. A quick boost of endorphins can see you through the day a little happier.


But not too much. It might be tempting to say you’ll sleep in January, but a week or two of poor sleep habits will lower your resistance and resolve. Make sure you stick to your usual routine as much as you can.

Try volunteering

Helping someone else is a great way to get out of your own head. Find a soup kitchen or other way to give a little time back to those less fortunate this holiday season, you won’t regret it.

Lower your expectations

’Tis also the season for massive credit card bills and overspending. Instead, have a plan — don’t rush out and buy something just because someone bought you an unexpected gift. Try limiting the family circle gift giving to the kids — most grownups don’t need more “stuff”. Remember, there are no requirements other than the ones you set, so set ones that don’t leave you buried under guilt and debt.

Acknowledge how you feel

It’s ok to feel sad or lonely or have a touch of the bah-hum bug. But don’t wallow in it. Acknowledge the feeling and then use a way to cope with it. Sad? Pop on some happy music (no one said it has to be holiday stuff, either). Lonely? Get out of the house! Or at least pick up the phone. Don’t allow “alone” to become “lonely”.

Final Thoughts

We understand, the holidays can be the toughest time of the year. The endless whirl of parties and activities can leave you mentally and physically exhausted, so it’s important to take care of yourself. If you find that things are just overwhelming, we’re here for you. Call or text us today.

